【問題解決能力を身に付ける大切さ:普段から責任を持った言動を】- 北條和馬(宴)- 性感マッサージ





北條和馬  (44)


  • 問題解決能力を身に付ける大切さ:普段から責任を持った言動を










    If some troubles happen, can you solve them? As an adult, problem solving skills are very important. Unfortunately, those skills are not something you can get all of a sudden.


    First, doing what you are supposed to do is inevitable. For example, we, therapists need to promote ourselves by using SNS and showing how we are. Looking at how others are using SNS and learning from it is also important. Maybe some people make mistakes or get in troubles - so you can also see them how they are solving their problems.


    Building the relationship with others to make sure you can ask somebody’s help if you need it. If you have those teamwork or network, you don’t need to be isolated. Teamwork skills are very important to work smoothly. If you cannot do it, you would be just isolated and cannot get required help when needed. If that happens, you cannot introduce advice and still fail to solve the problems.


    Being resposible for what you’ve been saying and doing is also important. If something happens, it’s okay to ask for some help. But if you rely on others to solve the problems and if you don’t do anything about it, you cannot learn how to deal with it. If somebody helps you, then you should understand what they were doing and what you could have done. So that you can do it yourself next time. Also maybe you can avoid those problems.


    As such, those skills are not something you can acquire right away. As long as you are working, of course you might get into troubles once in a while but because of that, make sure to improve those skills.
