【「自分さえ良ければ」と考えるリスク:周りのことも考えて】- 北條和馬(宴)愛知/性感マッサージ





北條和馬  (44)


  • 「自分さえ良ければ」と考えるリスク:周りのことも考えて








    "It’s okay as long as I’m fine"... some people think like that. In Jofu, too, there are therapists who think like that and ignore the rules or laws. Some pursue their own profit without thinking their damages or violating the rules and put themselves in troubles. They don’t think of other therapists who belong to the same store or the store itself, and that’s why they can do something like that.


    There are reasons for those rules. Because there are reasons, we can say "you cannot do it". If you ignore that and believe "it’s okay as long as I’m fine," this is pretty ignorant and selfish. Especially in this industry, that attitude could give negative influence to so many directions.


    Maybe some of you go to work by trains or have experience using public transits to go to schools when you were young. I’ve heard that news that somebody was using their family member’s pass and they were requested to pay almost 10K for fine. You cannot use somebody else’s pass and this is common sense but he/she used their family’s so they invited themselves in troubles. Just because they wanted to save a bit of money, what they lost was much bigger than that. And those fees are also important to maintain the trains or stations. There are reasons why you need to pay for it.


    You cannot think it’s okay as long as you are fine. That ideas might damage others and you might have to lose something else, too. In order to avoid that situations, let’s think of others and use our common sense.
