【時代の流れについていく大切さ:変化を楽しむ気持ち】- 北條和馬(宴)愛知/性感マッサージ





北條和馬  (44)


  • 時代の流れについていく大切さ:変化を楽しむ気持ち








    Now I’m 44 years old and I think my life is much more stable than when I was younger. There are a lot of things I can do better or I still have as always but one of the things I feel after starting Utage is "it’s also important to catch up with changes".


    As time flies, things change as well. I’ve been in this industry for more than 23 years but things were totally different 23 years ago. First of all, internet was not that common yet so stores didn’t have websites. It was not possible to promote ourselves by SNS. Well, before starting Sakura (previous Utage), I was not even interested in SNS and I’m actually surprised at how much I’m using it everyday now.


    I don’t mean to say "It used to be like that!" "It used to be better!". I was born in Showa and now it’s Reiwa, not even Heisei. Things have changed and even talking to those in their 20s surprised me how different we are. Of course sometimes it’s difficult to understand what’s going on, but I also realize we still need to catch up with them.


    Jofu has women as clients and things are changing rapidly as well. Even in X, something different happen everyday. Algorithm of X is always changing and we need to be sensitive to it if we want to successful in this field. It goes without saying that sometimes it’s difficult to understand but it’s also fun to expose ourselves to something new. Long story short, we should have fun.
