【Xの凍結に思うこと:アカウントは守る必要がある】- 北條和馬(宴)愛知/性感マッサージ





北條和馬  (44)


  • Xの凍結に思うこと:アカウントは守る必要がある








    There are many accounts which got suspended in these days. We also have the same experience being suspenede or being restricted temporarily so I totally understand the upsetting feeling when that happened. We talked to our staff whole night to discuss how to deal with it especially when than happend for the first time without knowing what was going on.


    Every account has the possibility of being suspended but still, we need to be careful how to use the account. This is the business account and we use this tool to communicate with our clients. These accounts also contain their personal information. We are obligated to protect those information. That’s why, it’s actually not okay to have them suspended.


    There are a lot of potential reasons why those accounts get suspended but we need to be careful. It’s better safe than sorry, right? We should not have our accounts look like we are promoting prostitute business so that we should not promote too much, should not use risky words too much or should not use naked pictures all the time. There are a lot we can think of.


    Let’s make sure to use our accounts safely. Of course, there are always possibilities to get restricted and once that happened, we still need to move forward but still, we need to be careful more than enough.
