名誉棄損、侮辱、個人情報、あるいは営業妨害… ネットでも、様々な誹謗中傷を見かける気がします。
Defamation. There are always this related troubles online. We’re getting more and more familiar with their legal problems but still there’re not enough legal restrictions about them.
Defamation, insult, disclosing personal information, disturbing business... They will never end.
There are lot of strange people out there to be satisfied by hurting others. Those people are insane and they are happy to see others being suffered.
Those who have smartphones have feelings but thier anonymity prevents people from having morality. Especially Japanese tend to be more violent when it becomes anonymity.
Defamation is no more than masturbation in public. This is such a shameless action without any morality. They are just interested in themselves being satisfied.
So, don’t worry about what people gossip about you online. Anonymous defamation is already shameless.