



北條和馬  (44)


  • 職場の人間関係がつらい:古い体質が…(前編)

    職場の人間関係に悩む人は多いのではないでしょうか。でもね、それはあなたのせいではない可能性もあります。もしかしたら、職場の古い体質のせいなのかも。義務教育を経て、高校や専門学校、短大、大学、そして社会… 様々な経験をして、人間は社会人として様々な職に就き、多くの人と接していきます。




    もちろんそんなものは気にせずやり過ごしたいわけですが、「人」が周りにいる限り、そういうわけにもいかない。同僚との付き合いなども出てきますからね。 お酒の席が好きなら良いでしょう、しかしもちろん嫌いな人もいるわけでね。断るに断れず、渋々同行し、徐々にもう勘弁してくれと感じる人もいるのではないでしょうか。


    断れば嫌がらせや出世に響くなど、色々と問題もあるでしょうからね。 大人が嫌がらせだなんて情けない話ですが、本当にそういうことはありますからね。




    空気を読んで、若い人たちにももっと自由な環境を与え、のびのびと仕事をさせてあげないと。 だからね、自分が人間関係に悩んでいたとして、あなたが自分を責めているなら。 自分を責めなくていいんですよ。 それはあなたのせいではないんですから。

    There are a lot of people having issues with their relationship with their colleagues. And there is a possibility that it’s not your fault. Maybe the classic system at your work place might be the reason why you are having difficulty. After mandatory education, people would go to high schools, vocational schools, junior colleges, or universities and be independent in the society. Having several experience, people get a job and deal with others.


    There are jobs which suit you or not. It goes without saying that once you get used to it, anybody can do that work and relationship with colleagues might be the most difficult issue. There are people’s egos or demands and this make everything more complicated. 


    Of course you might want to let go the conflict but sometimes it is not possible as long as there are people involved. It might affect your relationship with your colleagues. Some might like drinking with them but some don’t, but you might have to go out with them even though you don’t want to...


    If you keep turning down, it might affect your promotion. Of course this should not happen but this is the fact that people harass somebody just because they don’t do what others want them to.


    My point is, it would give you extraordinary stress if you are required to do something you don’t want to. And it is the old company system and old hierarchy which demand workers to do so. Their bosses are responsible for this.


    They are supposed to understand what their people can do and want to do. As such, if you are having troubles with relationship with your colleagues, it might not be your fault. You can stop blaming yourself.