だからこそ、女性は「好きピに嫌われたらどうしよう」なんて思わなくていいんです。そもそも女風は遊ぶ場所なんです。 それなのに、キャストに気遣って遊べない、楽しくない、それではもったいないでしょう。
むしろ、自分を大切にしてくれないキャストからは離れたらいいんですよ。 そんなキャストとの関係を繋ぎ留めておく必要はないですからね。
I've said so many times but it's not cast members who choose clients. Clients choose cast members.
Nowadays there are so many weird X accounts which mention the demands of cast members. Sometimes you may not know what to believe. Still, you need to know that clients choose cast members. You shall never forget that.
As such, you don't need to worry "what if my cast member doesn't like me?" "what if he hates me?" Jofu is the place for entertainment. If you worry about how cast members feel and cannot enjoy this place, that's too shame.
Moreover, if you feel you are not treated decently, stay away from him. You might be wasting you time and money.