



北條和馬  (44)


  • Opening the BDSM World:BDSMの世界の幕開け
    Opening the BDSM World:BDSMの世界の幕開け

    Bondage, Discipline, Sadism & Masochism would help releasing people's hidden desires. They would give pain, excitement, relaxing, and pleasure. They would also require good communication, trust and mutual consent.

    Any concerns? Don't worry, we'll help you. Wish? Of course, let us hear them out. Questions? We would love to answer. Once you step into the hidden and secret world, you must be thrilled for the extertainment you've never seen.


    I opened the door and there was endless view I've never seen. I wondered where in the world i was and what was going on. It goes without saying I was nervous as I wasn't sure what would happen to me, but at the same time, I was getting aroused...

    When was the last time I felt this excited... I don't know what or who on earth is awaiting but I'll be so relieved and released... I hear the voice. Okay, let's not be scared and step forward. (Written by Kazuma Houzyou)

    To be contined...




    扉を開けると、「ここは何?一体どうなっているの?」と、見たこともない世界が無限に広がっていたんです… 私はどうなってしまうのか、不安はもちろんあるけれど、なぜか高揚感に溢れているの… 

    何年振りなんだろう? あんな高揚感に満ち溢れた気持ちになったのは… まだ実態は分からないし見えないけど必ず私のためになってくれる〝何か〟が待ち構えているはずなの... 何か声が聴こえる さぁ前を向いて歩いていこう…(北條和馬著)
