【気配りとはなにか(What is consideration?)】- 橘 葵(CROSS ROAD)東京/出張ホスト


東京/出張ホスト/東京都23区 関東を中心に全国出張可能です

橘 葵の写メ日記

  • 気配りとはなにか(What is consideration?)
    橘 葵
    気配りとはなにか(What is consideration?)























    When I was young, when I was working as a stage production assistant, a certain director told me these words.

    “The most important thing in a director’s assistant’s job is that when the director wants to drink water, the water is already there."

    At the time, I thought this was impossible, but now it makes a lot of sense to me, and it has stuck with me.

    I now understand that this does not only apply to the role of a stage director’s assistant, who supports the director, but is also the essence of being attentive.

    Create a state in which by the time someone wants something, it is already completed.

    I think this is true consideration.

    Easier said than done.

    In order to put this into practice, you must not only have a deep understanding of the other person, but also have the insight and judgment to instantly judge the situation and be able to see two or three moves ahead.

    To be honest, at that time I was not able to put this into practice at all.

    However, several years have passed since I received these words, and in my work which consideration is a product, I am always conscious of it, and although I am not perfect at it, I am doing my best to put it into practice.

    I will continue to do my best, always remembering to be close to my customers.

橘 葵の写メ日記一覧